This blog is a collaborative blog by my class. Fourth graders read a lot and we want to share what we are reading by recommending only the best books that we have read. Each student works individually to write a recommendation and post it for others to access. We hope you enjoy the blog!
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October 30, 2011
How Books Are Made (The book)
October 24, 2011
Horrible Histories, the series
Have you ever thought history books where boring? Well actually it's fun stuff, because there are Horrible Histories!! These books are based on a civilization or a period known to the world because something big happened. These books make the boring facts into very very interesting facts. If you ever come upon a Horrible Histories book then I reckon you that you will find it fun. One very interesting Horrible Histories book is 'The Blitzed Brits'. This book gives you facts about how the Brits lived like in the Second World War. For example: what they ate, rationing, gas masks and lots more! One very cool fact is that the government persuaded children to wear gas masks by making 'fun masks'. One example was the Mickey Mouse mask. One thing that the kids found out was the if you wore the mask and blew very hard, the air rushed out of the side and made a very rude noise!
This is the Mickey Mouse mask
October 19, 2011
The legendary comic creator, Jim Davis has been pulling us on to read his comics! guess my favorite character, A fat cat, loves lasagna, coffee is always a must and the final, he would plead for a nap! You guessed it Garfield!!!!!! Now that I told you his perspectives lets go the the character in the series. Jon, Garfield's owner, Odie, a lovable dog who is used to being kicked on his butt! And the one and only, GARFIELD!! I would love to reccomend Garfield to people who love two things, comics and humor. Here I will give you a sample comic strip. Like it, then go on read the treasury's and lots more just remember who recommended it!
October 14, 2011
Froggy Plays soccer

Froggy is a frog that likes soccer. The day of the big soccer match Froggy remembered that is dad (the soccer coach) told him to not forget these words while playing soccer (Head it! Boot it! Knee it! Shoot it! But do not use you're hands!) Read this book and find out who wins the big game and find out if Froggy uses his hands.
October 11, 2011
Alex Rider 7 Snakehead
Alex has another person from ASIS working with him. The man's name was Ash. He was a friend of his dead parents,and is an austrailian spy. This book starts in London, then goes to Beijing, then goes to Jakarta then goes on a cruise ship. Alex is hidden in a packing case on the ship. He breaks free and wreaks havoc against the snakeheads. Alex then battles the crew on the cruise ship who are carrying a bomb, the bomb explodes, and Alex jumps off the ship, killing everyone including their leader Winston Yu.
If you are someone who likes a dangerous, explosive, action-packed book you absolutely MUST read this series. Read to find out which side Ash really is on.(if you guess snakeheads you are wrong)
Gilbert the Pig Has an Adventure

I read a book called Gilbert the Pig goes on an Adventure by Michele Dufrense. This is a book about a pig that has an adventure. It is an adventure book. In this book Gilbert the pig goes on the street to look for many different things. He meets a dog and a duck, they scared Gilbert off. Then he comes to a playground he sees children playing. He was playing ball with them. In the end he came back for his dinner. Maybe he will go on another adventure.
The special thing about this book is that this series continues but different authors are writing this book. I think this one is better because he is awesome.
Bad Girls

Bad Girls is a wonderful book by Jacqueline Wilson. This book is about three girls who had always trouble a girl called Mandy. The girls always annoyed her,pinched her and bit her. The name of those three girls are: Melanie, Lena and Clary. The three girls always use to trouble Mandy that she cries. Anytime the three girls see Mandy in school they trouble her. The next day the three girls see Mandy in school, can you guess what happened?. You will love this book!.
Series of Unfortunate Events- The Bad Beginning

Legend of Zelda
dairy of a wimpy kid
big nate boy with the biggest head in the world
The series of big Nate is written by Lincoln pierce the book is so funny that your pants will fly off
Teddy was raising his hand Gina was raising her hand even nick bonsly was raising his hand who normally has his pencil up his nose. “NATE”shouts Mrs Godfrey “whats the answer” “urrrrrrr” says Nate “whats the question” you know how dogs can smell fear?Mrs Godfrey is like a dog
a big ugly nasty dog she looks at Nate she looks mad wait worse than mad she looks mean!riiiiiiiing went the bell but it doesn’t sound like the bell..........
I think if Nate and I met we would have a lot in common let me start
- we both think school is boring.
- we both like comics
- we both think that we're special to other people
- we both like junk food
- we’re not very lucky
- both are dads forget how it feels to be a prisoner for 7 hours of school
- we both have annoying big sisters

Geronimo Stilton: Four Mice deep in the Jungle
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Alex Rider series
Name: Alex Rider, age: 14, City of residence: London, school: Brookland Comprehensive.
Alex Rider, My favorite series of this year. The best parts of this series are, the adventure ( of course ), lots and lots of gizmo gadgets, enemies and last but not least.... ALEX RIDER!!!!
Alex has no parents, his uncle mysteriously dies in car crash. That starts a weird life after his uncle dies, getting to know that his uncle is a spy and he didn’t die in a car crash but he died in a shooting incident. THEN he finds out that he will become a spy. going through eight very very hard missions in one year is too much for a normal school kid to do. Alex is very special to MI6 cause he is young and enemies will always think that he is innocent.
Alex Rider Stormbreaker

They said he died in a car crash but Alex didn’t believe them. Alex knew his uncle didn’t die in a car crash but Alex didn’t believe them. Alex knew his uncle didn’t die without his seat belt.Alex looks for some clues but doesn't find any.
One day Alex was going to school he saw his uncle’s car!!! He ran to it and he examined the car. In the front glass they were a few bullet marks. Right then Alex knew that his uncle Ian Rider didn’t die in a car crash and didn’t die without his seat belt.
In this book their is a weird man can you guess who!!! I’ll give you a hint his name starts with Y he is a brutal killer!!! And he’s after the MI6 {a spy company}. And Alex finds him self in a cat and mouse game with no way out.
October 10, 2011
I am wondering that how did the author Lincoln Pierce got this idea and I think that maybe this is real story of his life!! That’s cool. The best thing about this book is that this book is using easier English!!! Isn’t that awesome? It is the best thing for the children who doesn't know English properly. So even I can understand more details that author tries tell me.
Nate is drawing many cartoons more and more. He normally draws comics about his teacher or the annoying friends. Sometimes it is not really fun but sometimes it gives me a big laugh. That’s the problem that I can’t be quite when I am laughing.
Mrs. Yonkers Is Bonkers!
The title of the book is called “Mrs. Yonkers is Bonkers!”
Mrs. Yonkers is a computer teacher, and she is the dumbest teacher in the book. She can type with her toes. She even puts a web-cam on her turtle. She invents funny stuff like: remote control remote control, that is a remote control that can bring your remote control to you when you are in your bed or somewhere else in the house.
Read this book to find out if Mrs. Yonkers creates new stuff.October 7, 2011
The Curse of the Cheese pyramid